Credit Registration Form—Form C

  • Fiche d'inscription - Cours de Bachelor, Master en Business Administration (MBA) ou Master pour cadres (EMBA).
  • Fiche d'Inscription

  • Octobre Janvier Mars Juin
  • Indiquez SVP!
  • Si applicable
  • Ville ou Village et Pays
  • Ville et Quartier
  • Personne A Contacter en Cas d'Urgence

  • Cours à suivre et emploi du temps Choisis par l'étudiant le trimestre en cours

    Sélectionnez un (1) cours si (si) plus de trois (3) cours sont programmés dans le trimestre en cours.
  • FCFA
  • Soumettez Votre Fiche d'Enrolement aux Cours à l'Administration!

  • *VERY IMPORTANT: It is the responsibility of the student that the completed form is received by the Registrar’s office for processing and that payment is made in a timely manner. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for payment Due Date and Refund deadlines.

    *Students who wish withdraw from either a course or the College must receive official authorization from the Registrar’s Office. Failure to withdraw officially may result in the recording of an F grade for credit courses and Un-satisfactory notation for non-degree courses. A student who is asked to leave the College for misconduct or many unexcused absences will receive no refund of tuition or fees.

    In consideration of this registration and enrollment at the American University of Cote d’Ivoire (AUCI), I, the undersigned student (or parent of a minor), do hereby agree to assume and PAY any and all tuition costs and charges including collection costs and attorney fees for unpaid tuition and other charges.
  • Imprimez Votre Nom et Signez !
  • Nécéssaire pour étudiants prenant plus de Quatre (4) cours dans une Session.