Institut des Langues (IL)


L’ institut des langues de AUCI a pour mission d’aider les étudiants à développer leurs capacités linguistiques en Anglais afin d’accroitre leurs chances d’emploi sur le marché global du travail.   

Programmes de L’Institut des Langues (IL):

Les programmes de l’institut des langues sont les suivants: Anglais Seconde Language pour renforcement de capacités linguistiques- Pour étudiants en quête de diplome de Bachelor ou de Master (ESLU); Anglais Seconde Language- Pour développement personnel ou professionnel (ESLP)

IMPORTANT: Exigence de Compétence Linguistique en Anglais:  Tous les étudiants en programmes de Bachelor (sauf les étudiants en Bachelor d’Anglais ou ceux dont l’anglais est leur première langue) doivent satisfaire l’exigence d’une connaissance suffisante de l’Anglais/la grammaire anglaise avant d’obtenir le Bachelor. Pour satisfaire l’exigence de compétence linguistique, tous les étudiants (sauf les étudiants en Bachelor d’Anglais ou anglophones), doivent suivre un MINIMUM de neuf (9) cours d’anglais au total avant la fin de leurs études à AUCI. Un (1) cours d’Anglais sera programmé chaque session académique en plus des trois (3) cours de Bachelor.

Exemption: Les étudiants en programme de Bachelor capables de démontrer une connaissante suffisante de l’anglais (parlé, écrit, lectute et compréhension,  grammaire, et rédaction) peuvent être exemptés de l’exigence de compétence linguistique.

Anglais Seconde Language Pour développement personnel ou professionnel (ESLP)Programme de neuf (9) mois   (4 trimestres)- huit (8) cours. Les candidats dans ce programme suivent un TOTAL  de huit (8) cours d’Anglais en 9 mois pour obtenir un certificat d’achèvement en anglais.

L’Echelle Mondiale Pearson & le Cadre Commun Européen de Référence Linguistique (EMP & CERL):

L’Institut de Languages Intensif de AUCI base les objectifs de ses cours de langues- Anglais Seconde Language (ESL), l’enseignement de l’Anglais et l’évaluation des étudiants sur l’échelle Mondiale Pearson (EMP) & le Cadre Commun Européen de Référence Linguistique (CERL). Ces échelles sont utilisées dans la pratique de la langue et pour faire avancer l’étudiant d’un niveau à l’autre.

Test de Détermination de Niveau d’Anglais: Tout postulant accepté dans le programme d’Anglais (ESLU ou ESLP) est soumis à un examen de détermination de niveau avant de commencer les études de l’Anglais.

Présentation de Niveaux d’Anglais Utilisant L’Echelle Mondiale Pearson & le Cadre Commun Européen de Référence Linguistique (EMP & CERL):

Echelle Mondiale de l’Anglais

10  – 29


30 – 42


43 – 58


59 – 75




85 – 90 


Débutant bas






Intermédiaire Supérieur





*Source: Global Scale of English Learning Objectives for Academic English, Pearson Education Ltd, 2015. 

Définition des Niveaux d’Anglais Utilisant L’Echelle Mondiale Pearson & le Cadre Commun Européen de Référence Linguistique (EMP & CERL):

A1 – Niveau débutant bas (Note:  10-29)

A ce niveau l’apprenant ne peut que formuler et comprendre de très simples et courtes phrases, donner des informations simples, sans détails, à propos de soi-même et des autres.

A2 – Niveau débutant (Note:  30-42)

A ce niveau l’apprenant est en mesure de formuler et comprendre de simples et courtes phrases, de se présenter et présenter les autres avec détails, tenir une conversation dans un discours ralenti.

B1 – Intermédiaire   ((Note:  43-58): A ce niveau l’apprenant peut comprendre les principaux points d’une communication sur des sujets familiers tels que le travail, l’école, les activités pendant le temps libre, etc.; faire face aux situations liées aux voyages / vacances; rédiger un texte simple et connecté sur des sujets familiers; décrire ses expériences, ses espoirs, ses plans et ses ambitions; donner des raisons, des explications et des opinions sur une situation quelconque.

B2 – Intermédiaire Supérieur  (Note: 59-75)    

A ce niveau l’apprenant peut comprendre les idées principales dans un texte complexe, y compris le jargon technique dans son domaine spécialisé; interagir  sans problème avec des personnes dont l’Anglais est la première langue; rédiger des textes clairs et détaillés sur l’actualité et donner des avis sur une situation donnée.

C1 – Avancé (Note: 76-84): A ce niveau l’apprenant peut comprendre un large éventail de communications exigeantes et longues et de significations implicites; exprimer ses idées couramment et spontanément sans chercher les mots; utiliser la langue à des fins sociales, professionnelles et académiques;         rédiger des textes clairs et détaillés sur des sujets complexes.

C2 – Compétent (Note: 85-90) : A ce niveau l’apprenant peut facilement comprendre tous les types de communication; résumer les informations provenant
d’autres sources, reconstruire des arguments complexes; s’exprimer spontanément en utilisant des nuances fluides et subtiles de sens.

Résultats d’Apprentissage Prévus (RAP) / Objectifs du Programme d’Anglais Seconde Language de l’Institut de Langues Intensif

A la fin du programme d’Anglais Seconde Language (Programme de 9 Cours), les étudiants devraient être en mesure de:

  1. Démontrer des compétences en écoute: Comprendre des informations spécifiques dans une conversation orale; écrire ou répéter avec précision ce qui a été dit.
  2. Démontrer des compétences orales: Prononcer des mots pour se faire comprendre; parler clairement en utilisant l’accent et l’intonation appropriés.
  3. Démontrer des compétences en lecture: Lire et comprendre l’idée principale et les détails des textes courts et longs.
  4. Démontrer des compétences en écriture: écrire des paragraphs de base et de courtes rédactions en utilisant le vocabulaire approprié; lier des idées et utiliser un langage précis et approprié.
  5. Démontrer la connaissance de la grammaire: Comprendre les differents temps grammaticaux et autres structures; mettre les mots dans le bon ordre pour donner un sens grammatical.
  6. Démontrer la connaissance du  vocabulaire: Utiliser des mots appropriés dans différents contextes; montrer une compréhension de la signification différente des mots et de leur relation avec d’autres mots.

Anglais Seconde Langue pour développement personnel & professionnel (ESLP)- Programme de neuf (9) mois – huit (8) cours au total octroyant un certificat d’achèvement- Cliquez sur un cours sa description

This course covers the structures of English grammar in which English language learners are most likely to make errors. Students practice editing as they learn the structures of English grammar. The course will help students to proofread and edit their own writing at the sentence level. This course is for students who have some knowledge of the English grammar at the beginner level and wish to learn more at this level.

Students learn complex grammatical forms and sentence structures in English with the goal of producing minimum errors in speaking and writing.  Prerequisite: Successful completion of ESL125-Grammar and Editing I.                                                                                                                    

This course is a combined skills course as it integrates the acquisition of all four skills of English-reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students develop grammar skills and new vocabulary through short readings, which they practice extensively in speaking and writing at the sentence level. Special emphasis is placed on sentence level accuracy in conversation and listening skills development with a focus on pronunciation of the most common words in English.

In this course, students develop reading skills – prediction, comprehension of main ideas and details, and inferences. Students are also introduced to essential skills in writing at the paragraph level.

This is a continuation of ESLP140. Students continue to practice listening and speaking skills through listening, reading and practicing short conversations with others. Special emphasis is placed on sentence and paragraph level accuracy in conversation with a focus on pronunciation of the most common words in English.

Students continue to develop reading comprehension skills – prediction, comprehension of main ideas and details, inferences, responding and formulating questions based on the reading. They continue to learn and practice essential skills in writing at the paragraph level.

This is a continuation of ESLP150. Students continue to practice listening and speaking skills through listening and practicing short conversations with others.

Students expand their conversation skills through extensive practice as they learn new vocabulary and expressions that are often used in the American culture.

This course is for professionals already in business and job seekers looking to learn basic business vocabulary. The course helps students to learn the language of business communication.

Students continue to learn the language of business communication. The course helps professionals and job seekers to learn the language of business communication at the intermediate level. Prerequisite: ESLP190-Business English I.

This course provides students with skills and concepts in business writing and in broad English language skills. It discusses how communication skills in general help solve problems and build a career. The various channels of written communication students will need to work effectively in an English speaking environment are discussed. Students learn how to write effective e-mails for both internal and external business communication; they also learn how to write effective business memos, proposals, reports, résumés and the cover letter.

Anglais Seconde Langue pour études universitaires (ESLU)- Cours intensifs- Programme de trois trimestres (6 mois)-  neuf (9) cours – Cliquez sur un cours pour sa description

This course is a combined skills course as it integrates the acquisition of all four skills of English: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students will develop grammar skills and new vocabulary through short readings, which they will practice extensively in speaking and writing at the sentence level. Special emphasis is placed on sentence level accuracy in conversation and listening skills development with a focus on pronunciation of the most common words in English.

This course integrates the acquisition of all four skills of language–reading, writing, listening and speaking at the low-intermediate level. Students develop grammar skills and new vocabulary through short readings, which they will practice in speaking and writing at the paragraph level. Special emphasis is placed on sentence and paragraph level accuracy in conversation and listening skills development with a focus on pronunciation of the most common words in English.

This is an intermediate level communication course. Students continue to practice communication skills through short readings and video recordings. They practice answering and formulating questions based on what they read and hear. In addition to speaking, students also practice writing at the paragraph level, thus integrating all four skills of language. Special emphasis is placed on sentence accuracy in answering and formulating questions, and in writing at the paragraph level.

This course exposes students to the English language as spoken by native speakers. Students listen to short video or audio recordings with or without transcripts in hand. They take notes as they listen to the recording and follow the text for pronunciation and comprehension. They all take turns to respond verbally to prepared questions based on the audio or video recordings. The course encourages all students to speak as much as they can and prepares them for real-world spontaneous speech encounters.

This is a listening and speaking course at the high-intermediate level. Students continue to listen to short video or audio recordings with or without transcripts in hand. They take notes as they listen to the recordings, follow the text for pronunciation and comprehension, and take turns to respond verbally to prepared questions based on the audio or video recordings and to formulate questions themselves. The course encourages all students to speak as much as they can, answer and formulate questions based on the short video or audio recordings or related to these materials.

This course covers the structures of English grammar in which English language learners are most likely to make errors. Students will practice editing as they learn the structures of English grammar. The course will help students to proofread and edit their own writing to produce error-free work.

Students learn complex grammatical forms and sentence structures in English with the goal of producing error-free writing in order to succeed in upper level courses. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ESL310-English Grammar and Editing I.

In this course, students develop reading skills – prediction, comprehension of main ideas and details, and inferences. Students are also introduced to essential skills and writing at the paragraph level.

This course focuses on the development of intermediate level reading skills that help the reader interact with texts and construct meaning. Through reading of short stories, students develop thinking skills: inference, interpretation, evaluation, analysis, synthesis, and application. Reading skills include vocabulary enrichment, identifying main ideas and supporting details. Students continue to learn essential grammar skills and practice writing at the essay level.

This is a speaking skills course at the intermediate level. Students practice speaking skills through listening and practicing short conversations with others. Students also read short written passages, answer questions on the reading and formulate their own questions based on the reading.

This is a continuation of the speaking skills course at the high-intermediate level. Students continue to practice speaking skills through listening and practicing short conversations with others. Students also read longer written passages, answer questions on the reading and formulate their own questions based on the reading.

This class will enrich the quality and quantity of vocabulary from a variety of contexts. Lexical expansion, essential for academic work, professional development, will be offered through systematic and imaginative strategies. Students will learn techniques for understanding vocabulary from context, analyzing lexical roots, prefixes and suffixes. Much emphasis is placed on idiomatic expressions.

This is a continuation of essay writing skills at the advanced level. Students practice the essay writing skills they have learned in previous classes.

This is a directed lab course that focuses on improving clarity and accuracy of students’ pronunciation. Under the supervision of an instructor, students listen and practice standard intonation patterns in American-style English. They learn to pronounce words and phrases accurately so that they are understood when they speak.

ESL for Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): 4 Courses

Program Overview
The TOEFL program provides the highest level of instruction to students with a pre-existing knowledge of English in order to consolidate their skills and communicate with greater accuracy and fluency. The curriculum combines language input (grammar, vocabulary, functions) with skills work (reading, writing, speaking, and listening). A greater emphasis is placed on the latter, as the TOEFL is structured into four main parts corresponding to each skill.

In this course, students practice listening skills. They listen to academic lectures, discussions and conversations and answer questions about these materials. Comprehension exercises are completed in 60-90 minutes to measure the student’s ability to comprehend spoken English, understand what is being said and draw conclusions from lectures or discussions presented. Students listen to lectures or discussions to learn how to listen for tone, main point, agreement or disagreement. The course uses self-assessment quizzes to help students understand how to listen critically and how to synthesize information.

This is a speaking skills practice course at the advanced level of proficiency. Students are engaged in conversations in which they are asked to answer about six questions at a time in a 20- minute time frame. Two of the six questions focus on students ability to use his/her own ideas and thoughts in their responses. The other four questions students are asked incorporate other skills such as reading and listening. The speaking lessons in this preparation course show students how to pace themselves when speaking and how to self-correct errors while they are speaking.

This course teaches students how to read academic materials, including textbooks and academic articles in English. Classroom exercises include answering 36-56 questions in a 60-80-minute time frame based on short academic passages. Students are tested to determine how well they comprehend academic articles and find critical information in reading. The self-paced lessons and quizzes in this course teach the candidate how to use context to determine the meaning of words, understand tone and interpret literary meaning. Students also learn how to use inference and word structure to determine meaning.

This is a writing course at the advanced proficiency level in which students use their reading and listening skills to write essay responses in English. Students practice answering at least two questions at a time in a 50-minute timeframe. They are asked to write a response to a reading and listening passage and write an essay on an issue of their choice. In their independent essay, students are required to state and support their opinion on the selected issue. This course provides lessons on essential grammar and usage methods, in addition to videos that teach students how to write essential parts of an essay, such as the introduction, thesis statement and essay body.
Prerequisite: Successful Completion of ESL0200, ESL210, or ESL0410-Conversation/Listening Skills I & II, or Advanced ESL Reading, or Placement Interview.

General Education Diploma (GED) – Course Descriptions

Program Overview
The GED program provides adults who did not complete a formal high school curriculum the opportunity to attain high school level academic knowledge and skills necessary to pursue higher education and be competitive on the global job market.

This course teaches students how to read and comprehend literary nonfiction and fiction texts. Students will learn how to comprehend, apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate nonfiction and fiction prose including informational texts and identify the correct responses to questions.
Comparable to ESLU0410-ESL Reading & Writing II

This course provides an intensive workshop for structural and writing skills required for academic study and language proficiency. In addition to grammatical evaluation and modification, there is an emphasis on writing a variety of well-organized essays. Accuracy of language use and precision in form are developed, through editing, feedback and re-writing.
Comparable to ESLU500-Advanced ESL Writing

This course looks at history in terms of critical points in time and groups of historical periods. Although there will be discussion of psychology, the science of human behavior, emphasis is placed on world history, the history of the United States, civics and government, economics and geography.

In this course students learn to combine their ability to perform computations with problem-solving skills. The course deals with measurement and geometry, data analysis, statistics and probability, algebra, functions, and patterns. Calculators are allowed for fifty percent of the problems.

This course is concerned with scientific understandings and places special emphasis on the environment and on health benefits. Ways in which people use science in their daily lives are discussed.

This course is concerned with scientific understandings and places special emphasis on the environment and on health benefits. Ways in which people use science in their daily lives are discussed.